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s t u v w x y z
Names and birth dates are more than a means of identification. Names play a vital part in guiding and persuading the destinies of humankind. Each letter of our alphabet is identified with a number. They represent traits, human nature, conditions and spiritual ability.
Numerology, as an ancient European science, provides explanation of personal traits of success. It also provides indications of fixed attitudes of thought, likes and dislikes or talent and genius in business, partnerships, marriage, social interests and personal adventure. By knowing the significance of personal numbers, we can work with these traits in gaining further wholeness.
I have long been fascinated with the reason for name changes in the Bible and the importance of repetitive numbers in Scripture. These do have significance, as found in studying the interpretations for these numbers.
Discovery of the importance of the numbers in names, birth dates, cities where we live, even our house numbers, offer direction that can provide further happiness and success. Numbers do not make things happen in our lives. They point the direction to the thoughts, feelings and actions being enacted as we travel thru life on this plane. By understanding these promises, we can then put them to work!
We use June as the sixth month here, so:
6 + 2000 = 8
During this month, repetition may be the road to accomplishing a heartthrob goal. Efficiency, effort, mental attainment, fine character and right actions are the key to prosperity. This may also include supervising the goal of another to bring their dream to fruition. Wise counseling can assist another.
Staying in tune with divine awareness will help weigh and balance without judgment. This will bring an expansion of creative ability.
Inner awareness of higher purpose makes available the ability to rise to emergencies and travel through them into opportunities of healthy attainments.
This month can appear as a busy one so it is important to stay attentive to health and taking quiet time. The balance of doing and resting will bring lasting results to the endeavors that are happening.
I provide a 10-page personalized character analysis, using name at birth and date of birth (for a nominal fee).
If you are interested, contact me and I'll send more details.
This page will continue to be updated. Numerology is a fascinating study and I am still discovering, daily, new applications in my life.

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